Monday, October 6, 2008

Light~ Zak Kingrea

Arlo Guthrie once said,
“You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in.”
But what if it is in this darkness that we hide? We avoid the light and those who carry it because we are afraid of what their light will illuminate about us, and who we are. If someone were to take this light and shine it on you what would they see? Would they see a woman who is scared… afraid to let anyone in, afraid of being hurt, afraid of being loved. Or would they see a man consumed with pride, who shuffles the lies like a deck of cards using one to cover another, and another, another. One by one he stacks them, knowing that they will soon come tumbling down. Terrified to breathe, terrified to be revealed….
What is it about the light, the truth that we shy away from? Why is it that we would rather sit in the musty, damp, & cold darkness, then to step in the warmth of the light? Secretly we hope that somewhere in this darkness, our fears, our lies, our regrets will all be lost, and forgotten… not knowing that in this darkness we also lose our soul.

1 comment:

Scott Phillips said...

Light and dark...very cool imagery.