Sunday, October 12, 2008

"Mom, What did God create me to be?" - Lesa Melchor

The phone rang this evening and my precious college bound freshman was on the phone in a panic that could only mean one of two things. He either has a paper due in the morning and thinks he'll sweet talk me into feeling needed enough to bail him out of his jam, or he is desperate for pizza money!

"Mom, I have a paper due and I've wracked my brains for several hours trying to come up with the answer to my professor's question - can you help me?" God bless the aged, for our eyesight might be fading, but our high beams are sharp and in tact! "What's the topic son, maybe I can ask you some good thought provoking questions to get you started." "Mom, what did God create me to be?" I know I am here to get a degree in Mechanical/Aerospace Engineering but I don't have a clear vision of what He created me to be. Immediately, in my mind's eye, I saw a picture of a cake adorned with a plethora of sugary delectable toppings.

"Son, sit back and let me tell you a short story that might help narrow your focus enough to find the answers you are looking for. This week as I was having a conversation with a man at my new church, I was expressing my lack of clarity and vision from God about what He created me to be. I went on and on about the talents I knew I had, the abilities that God had given me and the time I had spent utilizing those. That conversation has been rolling around in my head all week long and has even spilled over into my prayer time with God. I, like you, couldn't really put my finger on an answer solid enough to satiate my curiosity."

"Son, In life, we often times run around trying to find fulfillment in what we do - what we accomplish, what we are good at. That works for awhile until what used to work doesn't create those same good feelings any longer - they become impotent attempts at filling a hole we can't quite seem to define. We then redouble our efforts and strive harder, pray longer, give more, desperately searching for those gifts and talents we are promised that we believe will make us feel 'whole'. Heaven watches and waits until we tire ourselves of placing toppings on our cake in hopes to taste something sweet and delicious. We come up empty. Maybe we are asking the wrong questions? Maybe we are believing the wrong answers?"

"Son, my answer might sound simple to you, but it cost Him so much. God created you to be..............His son!"

"His whole purpose in reconciliation is to be your father, your friend, the one you walk and talk with each day. The God of the universe wants to know you - and be known by you. I believe that the relationship you have with him is like a cake. Enjoyable to make, moist with flavor, tested my heat, soft with texture and pleasing to taste, It's the foundation with which the toppings sit. And, after a time with just you and Him - the toppings become an outflow that will show the world who He is. "The God of the universe created you to be is son.......start there."

"Mom, that's good - you need to write that."

"Joshua, I just did."


Love, Mom

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